Bell Ringer and Class Activities- November 1, 2016

You will play this game to quiz your knowledge on The Hitchhiker while Mrs. Ford comes around to check pages 1-6 for completion in your packet.

Once you finish the game, we will review the reading guide together and discuss Wednesday’s test format.

Finally, you will be given time in class to begin constructing your response to the essay question.  You may turn this in today if finished, or you may wait until tomorrow to submit.

If any time remains, read your AR book!

“The Hitchhiker” Introduction Activity

To prepare for our reading of “The Hitchhiker,” we will begin by exploring some of these important and iconic topics that relate to our play and the golden age of radio.  Click on the link for each topic.  You will be taken to Padlet, an online pinboard where you can create comments that help to explain each topic.  Post at least one fact about each topic on each pinboard.  Make sure that your fact is UNIQUE, no repeats! All topics, except for “The Twilight Zone,” have something to do with the history of radio, OR the history of travel, all things that relate to our next story.  The timeframe you are looking at for any of the topics span from about 1910-1965, and maybe a little beyond.  Good luck!

Auto Camps:

Route 66:

Orson Welles:

War of the Worlds:

KDKA Radio:

The Twilight Zone:

The Magic of Radio Plays:

Class Activity for 10/13


Using your guide for “The Tell-Tale Heart,” follow the instructions on the front page to complete the author study for Edgar Allan Poe.  You will need to access the online textbook, then use the guide’s instructions to find the online content.

Website: (NO www.!)

Username: sboom

Password: sonicboom

Once you have completed the author study online, use the Quizlet link on the “English 8 Vocabulary” tab of this blog to define this story’s terms.  You must also complete the sentences for each vocabulary term.

After completing your vocabulary, fill in the notes below in your packet for Suspense and Evaluating the Narrator.  These can be found in your packet for “The Tell-Tale Heart.”

Text Analysis: Suspense

  • Writers often “hook” readers by creating a sense of excitement, tension, dread, or fear about what will happen next.
    • This is called suspense.
  • Edgar Allan Poe uses the following techniques to develop suspense:
    • describing a character’s anxiety or fear
    • relating vivid descriptions of dramatic sights and sounds
    • repeating words, phrases, or character’s actions

Reading Skill: Evaluating the Narrator

  • Have you ever suspected someone of not telling you the truth?
  • Just as you can’t trust every person you meet, you can’t believe all narrators, or characters who tell a story.
  • To evaluate a narrator’s reliability, or trustworthiness, pay attention to his or her actions, attitudes, and statements.

After you have copied the notes, please record our next AR deadline in your agenda (November 11, 2016), and CITE YOUR BOOK IN NOODLETOOLS. There is a new dropbox for October books…you will do the same thing we did last month by creating a new project, sharing it to the October dropbox, and citing the book.  Follow the AR instructions linked to the AR Readers tab of the blog.

When you finish these tasks, you may read your AR book.


AR Annotation How-To

To create your annotation for your September AR book, check the instructions on the AR tab and follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to NoodleTools through Google Drive
  2. Once in NoodleTools, select your September AR project…this should have already been shared with Mrs. Ford!
  3. Once in your project, at the top of the screen, select “Sources”…this takes you into your citation list
  4. You should see the citation you made for your book in class last month.  All the way at the right side of your citation is a blue button that says “Options.”  Click “Options,” then “Edit” from the drop-down menu.
  5. Once you are back in the citation screen, scroll to the bottom of the page.  There is a big, blank box.  This is for your annotation.  In this box, you will write one strong summary paragraph of your book.
  6. Click save.